Jason Hill
Jason Hill, CEng, CMEngNZ, FIFireE, MFirelnv, MSc, BSc (Hons), IFE SIG IF&R Chairperson, IFE Global Director,
Jason is a Chartered Engineer (CEng) whose international career spans fire engineering and safety, providing technical excellence within highly regulated industries.
An active member of many fire professional communities, Jason is a BSI Committee member for 7974-6. He chaired the Nuclear Industry Fire Safety Coordination Committee (2017 – 2019) and is also the Chair of the Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) Special Interest Group for Industrial Fire and Risk, and Ethics Committee member for the IFE.
Prior to establishing F.I.R.E. Consultancy in 2014 Jason was the Senior Fire Engineer at Horizon Nuclear Power Development at Wylfa North Wales, which included emergency preparedness support, overarching fire strategy, site specific fire strategy, fire management policies and producing functional specifications for tender.